The Official Guide for GMAT® Review 2017

Official Rules


Binding Agreement: These Official Rules (“Rules”) will provide you with the information you need to successfully enter The Official Guide for GMAT® Review 2017 ("Promotion"). These Rules form a binding contract between the Graduate Management Admission Council ("GMAC") and you, as an entrant into the Promotion. By entering the Promotion or otherwise participating in the activities on the Promotion website you agree to be bound by these Rules. If you breach a provision of these Rules, you will forfeit your entry into the Promotion. All decisions of Sponsor on all matters pertaining to the Promotion are final and binding. If you have questions, please contact GMAC at customercare@mba.com.
Eligibility: To be eligible to enter this Promotion you must: i) submit an entry as described below under “How to Enter”; ii) be a legal resident of the United States or Canada (excluding Quebec); iii) be above the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which you reside at the time of entry; and (iv) have a valid email address and Internet access prior to the start of the Promotion. Current employees, directors, and officers of GMAC, their affiliates, agents and their immediate families and people living in their household are not eligible to enter the Promotion. VOID OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA; IN QUEBEC; AND WHERE PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.
Promotion Sponsor: Graduate Management Admission Council, P.O. Box 2969, Reston VA 20190 USA, is the sponsor of the Promotion (“Sponsor” or “GMAC”).
Promotion Term: Entries must be received between 12am EST on 10th June and 11:59 pm EST on 9th July. Sponsor’s computer, or that of its designee, will serve as the official time keeper for the Promotion.
How To Enter: During the Promotion Term, you must submit your entry as follows:
A. Go to the promotional landing page at http://start.mba.com/the-official-guide-contest-2017-us
B. Enter your Email Address
C. Answer all 3 questions.
D. Submit your answers.
All eligible participants who answer all 3 questions and provide the requested information will be entered to win, regardless of whether or not questions are answered correctly. All entrants must provide the following information: an email address, street address and country of residence. The email address you provide will be our primary means of communication with the entrant. All entries must be submitted in English. Once you submit your entry, no further changes can be made to the entry even if there is time remaining in the Promotion Term.
In the event of a dispute regarding who submitted an entry, the entry will be deemed submitted by the authorized account holder of the email address submitted at the time of entry. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization that is responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address. A selected entrant may be required to provide GMAC with proof that he/she is the authorized account holder of the email address associated with the selected entry.
Electronic Communications: By submitting your Promotion entry, you agree to communicate for the purpose of this Promotion with Sponsor electronically. By agreeing to do business electronically, you (i) agree that your act of clicking your consent to these Rules is a binding form of your electronic signature, which you agree binds you to these Rules, (ii) represent that you have Internet access and a valid email address enabling you access to www.mba.com and to receive communications and documents electronically, and (iii) represent that you have a printer or other device to print or otherwise save communications and documents including, without limitation, these Rules and that you have, in fact, printed or otherwise saved a copy of these Rules for your records. This consent is effective unless and until you withdraw it. You may withdraw your consent to electronic communication and delivery of documents, update your contact information, or request a free paper copy of these Rules at any time by contacting us as set forth in these Rules. We will send you a confirmation notice once we have processed your change request.
Winner Selection: At the end of the Promotion Term, Sponsor will randomly select 30 potential winners from among all eligible entries received on that day.
Winner Notification: Prize drawings will be conducted at Sponsor’s office in Reston, VA. GMAC will contact winners as follows: Winners will be notified by GMAC via email on or about the day after they have been selected by Sponsor as a potential winner. Each potential winner will have (5) five business days from notification to claim his or her prize. Return of any notification e-mail as undeliverable, the inability of GMAC to contact a potential winner within five (5) days, or the failure of the potential winner to respond, may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner from all remaining eligible entries. GMAC and its affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, agents, officers and directors, advertising and promotion agencies, and their respective officers, directors, employees and their respective agents will not be liable for unsuccessful efforts to notify a winner.
If a potential winner’s residence is in Canada, the he or she must first correctly answer a time limited mathematical skill testing question without aid or assistance (mechanical or otherwise) and administered by mail or e-mail at Sponsor’s sole discretion. The answer must be provided in a completed affidavit of eligibility. If no response is received or a response is incomplete, Sponsor reserves the right to select at random an alternate winner or winners.
Prizes: Each eligible winner will receive one (1) copy of The Official Guide for GMAT® Review, for a total of thirty (30) prizes during the Promotion Term. The Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of each prize is US $45.95. The total ARV of all 30 Prizes: US $1,378.50. The actual value of prizes may vary and Sponsor will not award the difference between approximate and actual value. The odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. Actual prize may differ from promotional images. Winner is responsible for any and all federal, state/provincial/territorial, and local taxes, fees and surcharges and taxes (whether foreign or domestic, and including income, sales, and import taxes) on prizes. GMAC reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value. No prize transfer, assignment or substitution by winner permitted. If a potential winner declines the prize, fails to claim the prize, is unavailable for prize fulfillment, fails to abide by the Rules, or is ineligible, GMAC may select an alternate winner from all remaining eligible entries. As a condition of receiving a prize, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, require potential winners to execute and return an Affidavit of Eligibility and/or a Liability/Publicity release.
Limitations on Liability: Entrants and winners individually and on behalf of their relatives, heirs, assignees, executors, and administrators, hereby permanently, irrevocably and forever waive and release any and all rights, demands, losses, liabilities, claims and causes of action whatsoever which you may now or hereafter be entitled to assert against Sponsor, its affiliates, parent, and subsidiary companies, its employees, agents and officers, advertising, marketing and promotion agencies, as well as all others associated with the development and execution of the Promotion (collectively, the “Released Parties”), including, but not limited to any death, injury, loss of enjoyment or other harm or loss of any nature whatsoever caused by, contributed to, or arising out of the Promotion and/or any prize awarded, any claim or demand for additional compensation or any other claim or demand related to the Promotion or what the Sponsor provides, and forever release and discharge the Released Parties from any and all liability with respect thereto. The Released Parties assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in operation or transmission; communications line failure; theft or destruction of or unauthorized access to Promotion entries or entry forms; or alteration of entries or entry forms, or any registration or winner selection.
Conditions: Participants agree (a) to be bound by these Rules; (b) the use of your entry for this promotion and for other marketing, and the transfer of your personal information and your entry to the United States, where Sponsor’s parent company and its data processors are located; and (c) that the decision of GMAC is final on all matters relating to the Promotion.
All entries become the property of GMAC and will not be acknowledged or returned. GMAC is not responsible for: (i) lost, late, incomplete, invalid, illegible, or misdirected entries, which will be disqualified; (ii) for failed, partial or garbled computer transmissions; (iii) for technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to electronic malfunctioning of any network, hardware or software; or (iv) for any error, human, technical or otherwise. GMAC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any entry not in compliance with these Rules
You acknowledge and agree that GMAC may keep your entry indefinitely and disclose it for any purpose, including but not limited to: (a) comply with legal process; (b) enforce these Rules; (c) respond to claims that any entry violates the rights of third-parties; or (d) without undertaking a duty to do so, protect the rights, property, or personal safety, of our users and the public.
If you are acting within the scope of your employment, as an employee, contractor, or agent of another party, you warrant that such party has full knowledge of your actions and has consent thereto. You further warrant that your actions do not violate your employer’s or company’s policies and procedures
Right to Disqualify, Modify, Cancel or Suspend: GMAC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual(s) who tampers with the entry process, and/or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Promotion for any reason. GMAC reserves the right to disqualify any entry from this or any future promotion if, in its sole discretion, GMAC reasonably believes that any person has attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of GMAC or the website by cheating, deception, or other unfair practices, or has tampered with any of GMAC's websites, the submission process, violates these Rules, or acts in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or annoys, abuses, threatens, or harasses GMAC, its agents, its assigns or any other participant.
Publicity: Acceptance of any prize related to this Promotion constitutes permission for, and winner’s consent to, GMAC and its agencies or assigns to use the entry and the names, country of residence and/or likenesses of any winner for advertising and promotional purposes, in any media now or hereafter known, without further notice, compensation, consideration, review, or consent, except as prohibited by law.
Governing Law: The Promotion and the rights and obligations of all entrants and entries shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, without effect to any principles of conflicts of law, and the federal law of the United States. Should any provision of these Rules be held to be void, invalid, unenforceable, or illegal by a proper legal authority, the validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected.
Data Privacy: Your personal information will be used to fulfill the terms of this Promotion and may therefore be shared with any subcontractor, agent or partner that assists or is otherwise involved in the Promotion or website operation and as specified in GMAC's privacy policy available at http://www.mba.com/privacy. Your personal information may also be used for future communications regarding GMAC® products and services, as specified in GMAC's privacy policy available at http://www.mba.com/privacy. If you have any questions about the use of your personal information, please contact us at privacy@gmac.com.
Winners List: The first name and first initial of each winner’s last name will be posted on the website at Winners page at the close of the Promotion.