
Join the nearly 10 million students worldwide who have taken the GMAT® exam. If you are serious about going to business school, taking the GMAT is the right choice.

Book your GMAT appointment by February 29, 2016 and receive a FREE copy of the GMAT Success Kit. Plus, you will be entered to win one 1-1 session with a former member of the Wharton MBA Admissions team.

The 30-minute 1-1 session will be conducted by Eric Chambers, a former member of the Wharton MBA Admissions team. The session can be used for:

  • General application planning and advice
  • Review of resume, extracurricular activities, and other personal credentials
  • General GMAT preparation advice

To participate:

  1. Register for the GMAT Exam.

  2. Enter the Promotion to win a 1-1 session with a former member of the Wharton MBA Admissions team.

Enter Promotion

By entering, you've agreed to receive information about the GMAT exam and management education from GMAC, graduate business schools, scholarship-granting organizations, strategic partners and corporate affiliates of GMAC. You can opt out from receiving this at any time. Please visit the GMAC Privacy Center for more information about our privacy policy and your rights and responsibilities.

THIS OFFER IS VOIDED OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES. By accepting this offer, you agree to be bound by these GMAT Success offer terms. See official rules.

Everyone wins a free GMAT Success Kit. Your kit includes:

  • Exclusive GMAT practice questions and explanations
  • Test prep tips and timeline
  • Study guide

Note: You must book your appointment by Feb. 29, 2016, but you can take the exam in the future when appointments are available.


Winner of 1-1 session with a former member of the Wharton MBA Admissions Team: Hiral P., New Jersey